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The term ‘services’ covers the help and support the club gives to individuals, organisations and charities.
Examples of how Harpenden Lions engage with local, regional and international organisations are shown below - click on the images to find out more.

Message in a bottle
A life-saving project which helps frail, elderly and those living alone to store vital medical and personal information.
Spectacle and hearing aid recycling
Collected by Lions Clubs across the UK to be sent to eye clinics around the world.
Christmas Tree Recycling
Every year Harpenden Lions collect Christmas trees, with the proceeds going to The Hospice of St. Francis.
Harpenden Lions has curated a map of defibrillator machines around Harpenden
Message in a wallet
A project to provide a simple way for emergency services to access critical details about any casualty they attend.
Empty blister pack recycling

We collect empty pill blister packs and send them off to be responsibly recycled.
Other service activities
We take part in a number of other service activities including helping out on Santa's Sleigh and tree planting on the common.
We are collecting used hearing aid batteries to raise funds to buy Spot Cameras for use in Primary Schools
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